aren't you tired of assuming the position, yet?
can anyone enlighten me as to how the gb got in the position they are today??.
i'm not looking for a history lesson, but rather, what auditions did people have to under-go to prove they were 'annointed with the holy spirit' or whatever they call it.. why didn't more people leave with ray franz, he knew what he was talking about, i don't know why he hasn't nuked the remainders in brooklyn!!!!.
ahhhhhhh, wait there, yes, i do know......... he's a nice person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
aren't you tired of assuming the position, yet?
the elusive brother some and the watchtower society.. in brooklyn , they have for years been bothered by a shady and very mystical brother.
they usually call him some.
we receive constant reassurances from the watchtower that what is printed in the literature is the truth.
are you admitting to the use of the spiritual third eye?
that radical concept can expose you, you know,
careful there.
as far as your physical eyes, well that explains why you cant see what is written. . .
and why you believe the borg still
can anyone enlighten me as to how the gb got in the position they are today??.
i'm not looking for a history lesson, but rather, what auditions did people have to under-go to prove they were 'annointed with the holy spirit' or whatever they call it.. why didn't more people leave with ray franz, he knew what he was talking about, i don't know why he hasn't nuked the remainders in brooklyn!!!!.
ahhhhhhh, wait there, yes, i do know......... he's a nice person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
from my perspective:
that postion was not assumed by reading the KamaSutra. . .
though it is the proverbial fuckem-in-the-ass stance
as to the substance of annointing, i'd feel safer at a black mass, at least i see it coming.
in answer to your last question, its called a boys club they cant be wrong.
half these buggers are senile and have their room and board covered and nowhere to go, would you leave to go pay rent and find a meal?
hate to be so crass but the 'truth' it's not, no pun
a critique of suzi mayhem's theory of god .
i thought, when suzi first posted this, that it was a joke something like john cleese's classic "brontosaurus theory" skit in a monty python episode.
but mr. "dark clouds" has sort of asked me to critique it as if it were a serious theory, so here goes.. i'll address this to suzi, but suzi dear, don't take this too seriously.
come come now janh
that last one was surely a brain fart. wasn't it??
please astound the readers with your diametric views on life, and your infinite source of wisdom [8>]
i'm reading a 'bible' called.
the lost books of the bible and the forgotten books of eden.
published by the world bible publishers, 1926. the following is a direct quote from one of the 'books', .
Slip Slide Master:
Barnes and Nobles is where i picked up my paper back copy
the first 'half' is credited to writings of "christian authorities" that were omitted from the New Testament.
the origin of each writing is written in a paragraph before it. . .
one of my friends estimated that a generation would fall somewhere between 30-40 years,
using the standard that those are the years when humans usually start reproducing
mind you the following is an estimate. . .
using a writing she found in the books of Enoch, she calculated judgement day to be,
which we know is somewhat off because we need the date from when it was actually written,
to be in the vicinity of either as close as 2046ad.
or as far as 2800ad, we are still messing with this
we had another date roughly 2550
hhmm 474 (your guess) + 2001 (current year) = 2475ad
who knows its not like any of us will be around for the later years
ill keep you posted
Charles Taze did it why can't we
ps. to the trolls who monitor the board, read your apocrypha
what was the most hypocritical act you personally witnessed during your incarceration as a jw?.
hypocritical acts you witnessed being performed by those claiming to be of the anointed are most especially welcome to be posted.. the person who posts the most hypocritical act will receive the complete box set of the bethel family sing the kingdom melodies vols 1 - 10 complete as first prize.. the runner up will receive two box sets.. i'll start off.. the most hypocritical thing i ever witnessed was the (married) co who ran off with the (single) special pioneer immediately after giving a talk at the district convention on "jehovahs gift of marriage".. sister special had the suitcases packed and the motor running out in the parking lot (located directly behind the platform) as co spiritual giant wrapped up his talk.
he finishes the talk then leaves the platform for the getaway car to a tumultuos round of applause from the massive crowd.. both last sighted somewhere slightly up ahead of a fading into the distance cloud of dust.. goo
goo, it does run thick indeed:
trip on this, i did. . .
there was an elder in my hall who had both a son and a nephew that attended our congregation, and it they all had issues with me. . .
one time this elder reemed me out for driving a red car, mind you it was a burgundy 4-door Mazda 626, he must have been color blind, meanwhile his nephew would peel out of the hall parking lot, causing the tires to smoke and usually would pull into the lot with the music so loud that you could hear it inside.
at another time this elder had a talk with me about attending college and the courses i was taking, a few months later i dropped out to goto barber school, planning to pick up a trade and return to school, cut to the chase, while i attended barber school his son enrolled in college.
still again at another time, shortly after i had just completed my hours to become a barber, SAME elder tells me that it was not a profession for a witness because the association i would under would corrupt my spirituality, being that i would have to work with homosexuals and "that" sort of individual, he said that being that i was single i should not be in that worldly environment.
i look at him and i ask him, "dude, doesn't the society say to learn a trade and not goto college? show me a scripture to back up your opinion. besides any job i take will force me to spend time with the worldly" Meanwhile his wife was a hairdresser, but it was ok because she was married. can someone explain this?
then there was the time when i had first moved out of my parents house, and his son started a rumor that my male roommate and i were a much more than roommates, irony was that at the time i was privately reproved for having sex with a female co-worker, and his dad had been in the judicial commitee. because i spoke and was not busted they could not df me to the elder's dissapointment.
anyhow, my roommate and i had witnesses to the story his son was spreading, so we showed up at his house and confronted him, in front of his dad, about what we had heard, he denied it, we told him we had proof, he blurt out a totally different name from the ones we had, and his dad swept it under the carpet, so much for a slander case. . .
forward 8 years i speak with my sister a few weeks ago and she tells me that the son left the organization.
this one is a gem too, totally irrelevant to the previous story, but priceless none the less. . .
there was a kid (which we will call J) , one of my co-workers saw him at a party in south beach holding hands and making out with another guy,
a few years later a different co-worker of mine who was this J's hairdresser, is here in nyc and we are out drinking catching up, he tells me that J was 'curious' and had gone to his place to watch gay porn, while all along stringing a sister along to whom he was engaged to. . .oh yeah he was the son of an elder too.
ps. about the used condoms, didn't they smell after a while??!!!
if the sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath?.
(sorry about my poor paraphrase).
black sabbath was created for metal heads
world end 1975(and other dates)-not happen-false prophecy-steer clear of false prophets-steer clear of jws.. .
we shoulda had those kind of equations in math lessons, i would have definately understood (unlike most jws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).
man, i'm so tired o' bein' right!!!!.
some words should not be said in the same breath. . .
enlighten fred
any questions?
i'm reading a 'bible' called.
the lost books of the bible and the forgotten books of eden.
published by the world bible publishers, 1926. the following is a direct quote from one of the 'books', .
not quite sure what to say
coming from you that is quite the compliment!!!
seriously though,
where is yeru when you need him?
a critique of suzi mayhem's theory of god .
i thought, when suzi first posted this, that it was a joke something like john cleese's classic "brontosaurus theory" skit in a monty python episode.
but mr. "dark clouds" has sort of asked me to critique it as if it were a serious theory, so here goes.. i'll address this to suzi, but suzi dear, don't take this too seriously.
alan, alan, alan:
2 words for you:
creative writing!!
2 more words:
creative thinking!!
a few more words. . .
for someone so educated you lack the refined and rounded nature of such, is this because your education solely comes from the awake magazines??!
no!! wait!! you honestly did not fall for that line,
the one about reading a year-or-so's worth of those,
in which you would have an education equivalent to a college graduate,
oh geez that is soooo disappointing and all along i thought you had a real degree. . .
are you cutting and pasting someone's thesis??!!
it's called plagiarism, there are laws opposing such behavior you know or don't you?
as far as your quickness to resort to name calling,
seems as though your teachers were unsuccesful back in kindergarden, to rid you of this habit, you rebel you, you must be so proud! living dangerously are we?
how about clicking on a virtual dictionary and expanding your vocabulary.
don't force me to have to saterize your existence, for it will cause you to change your username on the board and all that so called recognition will be lapped up by janh, seems he spends too much time in the toilet rooms reading the graffitti. . .among other things,
second of the month, gee rent is due, know where to find him. . .
emyrose: you rule
riz: the zoma would have a field day